New Forest Outing - 02.09.11

Friday 2nd September - 8.30am on a gorgous hot sunny day - the Smith family decide to head off to the tranquility of the New Forest. Had spent the previous day phoning and emailing trying to book a Guest House for a couple of days but everything was booked up.
Nicole (smurf) was particularly looking forward to this outing as I had previously booked a horse riding treck for her through the New Forest. I had tried to book one for myself but all the riding sessions were fully booked for the entire weekend...maybe next time.
Maria of course is terrified of doing stuff like this - I think she would rather sky dive from 10,000 feet before getting on a horse :-)
We visited quaint little villages like Brockenhurst, Lyndhurst and Lymington. The coastal town of Lymington was so pretty with its fishing boats, yachts, rowing boats and cabin cruisers all moored in the main harbour. Day trips to the Isle Of Wight to see "The Needles" whilst adults feasted on fish and chips and cold beer - children slurping ice cream and fishing for crabs and minnies !!!.
After slugging all my camera gear around the shops - under Maria's direction of course :-) we headed off back up to the heart of the New Forest for some serious horse riding....
After some lovely fish and chips we ended the day in a lovely little restaurant called Le Pregoda "The Frog" - well, this was the translation i gave to Maria :-)

Here are a few pictures from our fabulous day out !!!

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