Paul Smith Studios - Go eco friendly with natural wood usb drives.....

I realised that I was living in the dark ages when I recently handed over a disc of full wedding images only to be told that the couple didn't actually have a CD/DVD drive on their laptop !!
They were using the latest MacBook Air and therefore didn't have the ability to transfer their photos from the CD to the computer. It became clear to me that CD's/DVD's are soooo last century and it was definitely now time for me to make the switch to usb drives.

All my wedding clients will now receive their high resolution / low res social media images on a natural bamboo wood usb drive (8GB - data size).

Although this decision has been relatively expensive to incorporate into my wedding business I think it is sooo definely worth it and hope you agree.

These beautiful eco friendly usb drives will now be included with all of my wedding packages.

The move was partly inspired from my desire to keep abreast of newer technology formats but primarily it was the result of listening to feedback from all my newlyweds !!!

Here are a few images from my newly arrived batch of natural bamboo usb drives and presentation boxes....soon to be dispatched to all my upcoming wedding couples.


Russ and Sally Wedding - Sunday 4th May 2014 - Compass Inn, Tomarton.

Russ and Sally were married at the Compass Inn, Tomarton, South Gloucester on Sunday 4th May.

This was a very special wedding for me to photograph as Russ and Sally are very good friends of mine. I have known Russ for many years and was deeply honoured that he asked me to photograph one of the most important days in his life.

The weather was amazing with sun and blue sky a plenty but with very few places to hide in the shade it did make the photography that little but more challenging :-). The wedding date - May 4th, was...I believe inspired by Russ and Sally's passion for Star Wars - "May the Fourth be with you...." know what I mean :-).

It was a truly awesome day with lots of laughs, a "wedding selfie", some very dubious catwalk moves (by Russ before the ceremony) but also with some very moving and tender moments between Russ and Sally.....clearly a couple so very much in love.

I hope you love the pictures as much as I do guys...and please feel free to pass the blog link around or even add a few comments at the bottom if you like. I will post a link to this blog from facebook and from the blog section of my website at:

Anyway, here are a selection of my personal favourites from the wedding view ALL the pictures from Russ and Sally's wedding day please drop our "newly weds" an email and I'm sure they will be happy to send you a link to their private on-line gallery.

Have a fantastic life together Russ and Sally and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special day :-).  I hope I managed to capture some moments that will last a lifetime.... !!!