Emily & Gareth Wedding - Oxford on Friday 9th August 2013

Oxford Bodleian Library (http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/) was the setting for Emily and Gareth's highly anticipated Wedding on 09.08.13.

The Bodleian Library has been the film location  for many famous movies over the past few years including (X-Men 4, 3 x Harry Potter movies, The Golden Compass, the Lewis Series and many others).

My day started with parking the car at the Pear Tree (Park & Ride) in Oxford and then took the short bus trip into Oxford City Centre.
I got to the venue in plenty of time and made the most of it photographing the famous Oxford University landmarks while waiting for our fabulous couple to arrive.

Before the ceremony it was touch and go with the music setup for the wedding procession but guests were on-hand to save the day and get the music back on track.

Convocation House, built in the 17th century as the meeting room for the University’s supreme legislative body - See more at: http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/whatson/venue-hire#sthash.DZsqD54s.dpuf
The 17th Century Convocation House (see blog pics) was the setting for Emily and Gareth's wedding ceremony.

Gareth looked cool and Emily looked gorgeous as they arrived in time for their big day.
The Ceremony went without a hitch and after a few group photos it was a quick hop onto the hired opentop bus down to Folly Bridge to board a little cruiser - destination Grandma's house !!!.
Emily's Grandma owned a house that backed right onto the Thames river and the family had spent all week preparing the marquee, organising the catering, preparing the table settings etc for the cosy wedding reception. A chicken / beef barbecue and sit down meal was the menu of the day.

The weather was fabulous all day and everyone had a very memorable time - myself included.
Thanks again guys for allowing me to be a part of your special day. I hope you like all the pictures when you receive them very soon.

In the meantime here are a few of my favourite images of the day.

Have an amazing life together guys and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special day !!

Please add any comments below :-)

Convocation House, built in the 17th century as the meeting room for the University’s supreme legislative body - See more at: http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/whatson/venue-hire#sthash.DZsqD54s.dpuf
Convocation House, built in the 17th century as the meeting room for the University’s supreme legislative body - See more at: http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/whatson/venue-hire#sthash.DZsqD54s.dpuf

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