Colin and Alexis Wedding - Saturday 19th July 2014 - Oxford

Colin and Alexis were married at the Oxford Oratory Catholic Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga ( on Saturday 19th July 2014.
The wedding was simple and elegant one with just a small dash of Anglo-American flavour added in (or should I say "flavor" to appease our American cousins !!) .
As I was preparing for Colin and Alexis wedding the evening before the weather outside my window was absolutely awful. With thunder, lightning and some of the worst downpours I have witnessed this year I thought I had better pack all my white wedding brollies just to be on the safe side.

I am pleased to say though, that the next day was somewhat different to what I had been expecting. As I departed from my home in Chipping Sodbury the weather was still not the best but I was hopeful that thw eather might improve as I made my journey East towards Oxford. Yep, I was heading in the right direction for the glorious sunshine that would make all the difference for Colin and Alexis.

I kept my eye on the weather reports during the day and although downpours were still forecast for later that day, they fortunately took place just after all the formal shots while the wedding party were having their traditional wedding meal.

As the wedding party made their way from the Church to the Reception at (St Edmunds Hall - ( I managed to get some great natural shots of the bridal party as they made their way through the famous streets of Oxford.

I hope you guys had a fabulous day and that you love the images I have uploaded to your private on-line gallery.

Anyway, here is a taster of some of my favourite shots from the day:

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